ProAgria Oulu

ProAgria Oulu is a Finnish expert organization offering a wide range of advisory services for the Oulu Region’s farms and rural enterprises.

Henkilosto 2024

Our staff, around 80 experts, work across the region and are available at our 15 offices. Rural Women’s Advisory Organisation of Oulu (Oulun Maa- ja kotitalousnaiset) and Oulu Fishery Centre (Oulun Kalatalouskeskus) also operate within the organization.

ProAgria’s mission

Our purpose is to improve business competitiveness and profitability of our customers and partners, and to promote sustainable development and well-being. All this we can achieve together!

Get to know us:

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Projects and cooperation

ProAgria Oulu takes actively part in the development of North Ostrobotnian agriculture and rural enterprises through various projects and with the help of our wide co-operation network.

Primal funding for our projects comes from European Agricultural Fund for rural Development. We also exploit other sources for funding, such as European Regional Development Fund, Interreg program and the Horizon Europe program.

Browse our projects.

Leaflet on our project activities and cooperation.

At the moment we manage projects on these themes:

Contact us

We are looking for new international project partners, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Kauppurienkatu 23, 3. floor
90100 Oulu