Cities2030 – Co-creating resilient and sustainable City Region Food Systems towards FOOD2030
The EU-funded H2020 project aims to develop sustainable food systems in urban areas. In Finland, the project is implemented in South Ostrobothnia.

In the Seinäjoki city region, work is being carried out in particular with children and teenagers by piloting sustainability measures. The project includes developing more sustainable, local snacks for children and teenagers, creating a new activity for secondary school children called "The Food Business Club", and renovating school canteens into more restaurant-like, welcoming environments. The project will shape the content of a big, local children's cultural event so that it will also serve as a platform for children's food education. Read more about the project activities on the website.
The entrepreneurship services team from the Rural Women’s Advisory Organisation (MKN) will be one of the project’s task leaders, responsible for discussing the role of gender in the food system and producing a publication on the topic. The entrepreneurship services team from the Rural Women’s Advisory Organisation is implementing the Cities 2030 project in the Seinäjoki city region together with Into Seinäjoki.
The four-year Horizon 2020 project involves 43 organisations from 22 European countries and is led by Universita Ca'Foscari Venezia in Italy. See the detailed composition of the consortium and budget on the EU website.
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 101000640.