ATTRACTISS Optimising knowledge exchange systems for sustainable and circular agriculture and forestry
Approaches to knowledge exchange, learning and innovation in agriculture are changing rapidly. The ATTRACTISS project will improve competence and provide tools for the Agricultural Knowledge and Innovation Systems (AKIS) of the EU Member States, in particular the Innovation Support Services (ISS).

Strengthened innovation services
ISS and AKIS actors are recognised as an important part of the transition towards sustainable agriculture and forestry. With the set of tools and methods for accelerating innovative individual grassroot ideas to come to fruition and to generate solutions, ISS and AKIS actors can support the transition process to more sustainable agriculture & forestry.
New and improved methods for sharing knowledge and expertise are key to enabling innovation and thus, at the heart of the ATTRACTISS project. In order to contribute to better innovation support services, the ATTRACTISS project has identified three main objectives:
- Strengthen the capacity and competences of ISS and AKIS actors by providing effective methods and tools to identify innovative ideas;
- To support managing authorities in all EU Member States in organising and monitoring effective support for ISS;
- Provide assistance for new actors in AKIS processes to better facilitate multi-actor approaches involving farming, practitioners, and research centres.
Sharing the best practices
To achieve the objectives, a European-wide ISS network will be established to encourage to connect, develop common understanding, vision and capacities, and roles and functions of the ISS network within the AKIS. Existing ISS databases and tools will be brought onto a common virtual platform to support the accessibility of best practices. Furthermore, ATTRACTISS will provide support and training to key ISS actors in all EU Member States towards Multi-Actor Approaches (MAA).
Read more about the project activities on project webpage:
You can see the project partners and budget on the EU's Cordis service.
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The project has received funding from the European Commission's Horizon Europe research and innovation programme under funding decision number 101061060.

-AcTivate and TRigger ACTors to deepen the function of Innovation Support Service-